Journal articles published in 2008 - 2009
761. “Benchmarking Approximate Density Functional Theory for s/d Excitation Energies in 3d Transition Metal Cations”, N. Schultz, Y. Zhao, and D.G. Truhlar, Journal of Computational Chemistry 29, 185-189 (2008).
773. "The M06 Suite of Density Functionals for Main Group Thermochemistry, Kinetics, Noncovalent Interactions, Excited States, and Transition Elements: Two New Functionals and Systematic Testing of Four M06 Functionals and Twelve Other Functionals," Y. Zhao and D. G. Truhlar, Theoretical Chemistry Accounts 120, 215-241 (2008) (Contribution to the Mark S. Gordon 65th Birthday Festschrift Issue). Erratum: 119, 525 (2008).
790. "Density Functionals with Broad Applicability in Chemistry," Y. Zhao and D. G. Truhlar, Accounts of Chemical Research 41, 157-167 (2008).
795. "Assessment of Multicoefficient Correlation Methods, Second Order Moller-Plesset Perturbation Theory, and Density Functional Theory for H3O+(H2O)n (n = 1 - 5) and OH-(H2O)n (n = 1 - 4)," E. E. Dahlke, M. A. Orthmeyer, D. G. Truhlar, Journal of Physical Chemistry A 112, 2372-2381 (2008).
796. "Evaluation of the Electrostatically Embedded Many-Body Expansion and the Electrostatically Embedded Many-Body Expansion of the Correlation Energy by Applications to Low-Lying Water Hexamers" E. E. Dahlke, H. R. Leverentz, D. G. Truhlar, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 4, 33-41 (2008).
797. "A Conservative Algorithm for an Adaptive Change of Resolution in Mixed Atomistic/Coarse-Grained Multiscale Simulations," A. Heyden and D. G. Truhlar, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 4, 217-221 (2008).
798. "Assessment of the Accuracy of Density Functionals for the Prediction of the Relative Energies and Geometries of Low-Lying Isomers of Water Hexamers," E. E. Dahlke, R. M. Olson, H. R. Leverentz, and D. G. Truhlar, Journal of Physical Chemistry A 112, 3976-3984 (2008).
799. "Zn Coordination Chemistry: Development of Benchmark Suites for Geometries, Dipole Moments and Bond Dissociation Energies and Their Use to Test and Validate Density Functionals and Molecular Orbital Theory," E. A. Amin, and D. G. Truhlar, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 4, 75-85 (2008).
800. "Extension of a Temperature-Dependent Aqueous Solvation Model to Compounds Containing Nitrogen, Fluorine, Chlorine, Bromine, and Sulfur," A. C. Chamberlin, C. J. Cramer, and D. G. Truhlar, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 112, 3024-3039 (2008).
802. "Electrostatically Embedded Many-Body Expansion for Simulations," E. E. Dahlke and D. G. Truhlar, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 4, 1-6 (2008).
803. "Density Functional Theory in Transition-Metal Chemistry: Relative Energies of Low-Lying States of Iron Compounds and the Effect of Spatial Symmetry Breaking," A. Sorkin, M. A. Iron, and D. G. Truhlar, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 4, 307-315 (2008).
804. "A Comparative Assessment of the Perturbative and Renormalized Coupled Cluster Theories with a Non-Iterative Treatment of Triple Excitations for Thermochemical Kinetics, Including a Study of Basis Set and Core Correlation Effects," J. Zheng, J. R. Gour, J. J. Lutz, M. Włoch, P. Piecuch, and D. G. Truhlar, Journal of Chemical Physics 128, 044108/1-7 (2008).
805. "A Unified Perspective of the Hydrogen Atom Transfer and Proton-Coupled Electron Transfer Mechanisms in Terms of Topographic Features of the Ground and Excited Potential Energy Surfaces As Exemplified by the Reaction Between Phenol and Radicals," O. Tishchenko, D. G. Truhlar, A. Ceulemans, and M. T. Nguyen, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 130, 7000-7010 (2008).
806. "A Prototype for Graphene Material Simulation: Structures and Interaction Potentials of Coronene Dimers," Y. Zhao and D. G. Truhlar, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 112, 4061-4067 (2008).
807. "How Well Can New-Generation Density Functionals Describe the Energetics of Bond Dissociation Reactions Producing Radicals?" Y. Zhao and D. G. Truhlar, Journal of Physical Chemistry A 112, 1095-1099 (2008).
808. "Benchmark Data for Interactions in Zeolite Model Complexes and Their Use for Assessment and Validation of Electronic Structure Methods," Y. Zhao and D. G. Truhlar, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 112, 6860-6868 (2008).
809. "Computational Characterization and Design of Buckyball Tweezers: Density Functional Study of Concave-Convex pi...pi Interactions," Y. Zhao and D. G. Truhlar, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 10,2813-2818 (2008). (special issue on stacking interactions)
810." Cluster and Nanoparticle Condensation and Evaporation Reactions. Thermal Rate Constants and Equilibrium Constants of Alm + Aln-m « Aln with n = 2 - 60 and m = 1 - 8," Z. H. Li and D. G. Truhlar, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 112, 11109-11121 (2008).
811. "VBSM: A Solvation Model Based on Valence Bond Theory," P. Su, W. Wu, C. J. Cramer, C. P. Kelly, and D. G. Truhlar, Journal of Physical Chemistry A 112, 12761-12768 (2008). (Sason Shaik Festschrift)
812. "Application of the Electrostatically Embedded Many-Body Expansion to Microsolvation of Ammonia in Water Clusters," A. Sorkin, E. E. Dahlke, and D. G. Truhlar, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 4, 683-688 (2008).
813. "Performance of the M06 Family of Exchange-Correlation Functionals for Predicting Magnetic Coupling in Organic and Inorganic Molecules," R. Valero, R. Costa, I. de P.R. Moreira, D. G. Truhlar, and Francesc Illas, Journal of Chemical Physics 128, 114103/1-8 (2008).
814. "Tight Binding Configuration Interaction (TBCI): A Non-Iterative Approach to Incorporating Electrostatics into Tight Binding," M. A. Iron, A. Heyden, G. Staszewska, and D. G. Truhlar, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 4, 804-818 (2008).
815. "Electrostatically Embedded Multiconfiguration Molecular Mechanics Based on the Combined Density Functional and Molecular Mechanical Method," M. Higashi and D. G. Truhlar, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 4, 790-803 (2008).
816. "The SM8 Solvation Model," C. J. Cramer and D. G. Truhlar, Accounts of Chemical Research, 41, 760-768 (2008).
817. "Stereochemistry of Eudesmane Cation Formation during Catalysis by Aristolochene Synthase from Penicillium roqueforti," D. J. Miller, J. Gao, D. G. Truhlar, N. J. Young, V. Gonzalez, R. K. Allemann, Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry 6, 2346-2354 (2008).
818. "Adiabatic States Derived from a Spin-Coupled Diabatic Transformation: Semiclassical Trajectory Study of Photodissociation of HBr and the Construction of Potential Curves for LiBr+," R. Valero, D. G. Truhlar, and A. W. Jasper, Journal of Physical Chemistry A 112, 5756-5769 (2008).
819. "Perspective on Foundations of Solvation Modeling: The Electrostatic Contribution to the Free Energy of Solvation," A. V. Marenich, C. J. Cramer, and D. G. Truhlar, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 4, 877-887 (2008). (Perspective article)
820. "Comment on ‘More Accurate Generalized Gradient Approximation for Solids'," Y. Zhao and D. G. Truhlar, Physical Review B 78, 197101/1-2 (2008).
821. "Construction of a Generalized Gradient Approximation by Restoring the Density-Gradient Expansion and Enforcing a Tight Lieb-Oxford Bound," Y. Zhao and D. G. Truhlar, Journal of Chemical Physics 128, 184109/1-8 (2008).
822. "Assessment of New Meta and Hybrid Meta Density Functionals for Predicting the Geometry and Binding Energy of a Challenging System: The Dimer of H2S and Benzene," H. Leverentz and D. G. Truhlar, Journal of Physical Chemistry A 112, 6009-6016 (2008).
823. "The Variational Explicit Polarization Potential and Analytical First Derivative of Energy: Towards a Next Generation Force Field," W. Xie, L. Song, D. G. Truhlar, and J. Gao, Journal of Chemical Physics 128, 234108/1-9 (2008)
824. "Multireference Model Chemistries for Thermochemical Kinetics," O. Tishchenko, J. Zheng, and D. G. Truhlar, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 4, 1208-1219 (2008).
825. "Combined Electrostatically Embedded Multiconfiguration Molecular Mechanics and Molecular Mechanical Method: Application to Molecular Dynamics Simulation of a Chemical Reaction in Aqueous Solution with Hybrid Density Functional Thoery," M. Higashi and D. G. Truhlar, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 4, 1032-1039 (2008)
826. "Performance of SM8 on a Test to Predict Small-Molecule Solvation Free Energies," C. J. Cramer, A. Chamberlin, and D. G. Truhlar, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 112, 8651-8655 (2008).
827. "Mixed Quantum/Classical Investigation of the Photodissociation of NH3(Ã) and a Practical Method for Maintaining Zero-Point Energy in Classical Trajectories," D. Bonhommeau and D. G. Truhlar, Journal of Chemical Physics 129, 014302/1-15 (2008).
828. "Nanosolids, Slushes, and Nanoliquids. Characterization of Nanophases in Metal Clusters and Nanoparticles," Z. H. Li and D. G. Truhlar, Journal of the American Chemical Society 130, 12698-12711 (2008).
829. "Algorithmic Decoherence Time for Decay of Mixing Non-Born-Oppenheimer Dynamics," S. C. Cheng, C. Zhu, K. K. Liang, S. H. Lin, and D. G. Truhlar, Journal of Chemical Physics 129, 24112/1-12 (2008).
830. "Molecular Modeling of Geometries, Charge Distributions, and Binding Energies of Small, Drug like Molecules Containing Nitrogen Heterocycles and Exocyclic Amino Groups in the Gas Phase and in Aqueous Solution," B.R. White, E. A. Amin, C. R. Wagner, and D. G. Truhlar, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 4, 1718-1732 (2008). erratum: 5, 1195(E) (2009)
831. "Incorporation of a QM/MM Buffer Zone in the Variational Double Self-Consistent Field Method," W. Xie, D. G. Truhlar, and J Gao, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 112 14124-14131 (2008).
832. "Improved description of nuclear magnetic resonance shielding constants using the M06-L meta-generalized-gradient-approximation density functional," Y. Zhao and D. G. Truhlar, Journal of Physical Chemistry A 112, 6794-6799 (2008).
833. "Modeling Free Energies of Solvation in Olive Oil," A. Chamberlin, D. Levitt, C. J. Cramer, and D. G. Truhlar, Molecular Pharmceutics 5, 1064-1079 (2008).
834. "Effects of 18O Isotopic Substitution on the Rotational Spectra and Potential Splitting in the OH-H2O Complex: Improved Measurements for 16OH-16OH2 and 18OH-18OH2, New Measurements for the Mixed Isotopic Forms, and Ab Initio Calculations of the 2A' - 2A" Energy Separation," C. S. Brauer, G. Sedo, E. Dahlke, S. Wu, E. Grumstrup, K. R. Leopold, M. D. Marshall, H. O. Leung, and D. G. Truhlar, Journal of Chemical Physics 129, 104304/1-11 (2008).
835. "Molecular Dynamics Simulation of a Solvated Protein in Water Using an Electronic Structure-based Explicit Polarization (X-POL) Potential: Polarization and Charge Redistribution in Bovine Pancreatic Trypsin Inhibitor in Water," Wangshen Xie, Modesto Orozco, Donald G. Truhlar, and Jiali Gao, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 5, 459-467 (2009).
836. "Exploring the Limit of Accuracy of the Global Hybrid Density Functional for Main-Group Thermochemistry, Kinetics, and Noncovalent Interactions," Y. Zhao and D. G. Truhlar, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 4, 1849-1868 (2008).
837. "Density Functional Study of Methyl Radical Association Reaction Kinetics," J. Zheng, S. Zhang, and D. G. Truhlar, Journal of Physical Chemistry A 112, 11509-11513 (2008).
838. " Study of the Ground and Excited States of Al3 and Al3-: II. Computational Analysis of the 488 nm Anion Photoelectron Spectrum and a Reconsideration of the Al_3 Bond Dissociation Energy," S. R. Miller, N. E. Schultz, D. G. Truhlar, and D. G. Leopold, Journal of Chemical Physics 130, 024304/1-23 (2009).
839. "Perspective on Diabatic Models of Chemical Reactivity as Illustrated by the Gas-Phase SN2 Reaction of Actetate Ion with 1,2-Dichloroethane," R. Valero, L. Song, J. Gao, and D. G. Truhlar, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 5, 1-22 (2009). Erratum: 5, 2191 (2009).
840. "Good performance of the M06 family of hybrid meta GGA density functionals on a difficult case: CO adsorption on MgO(001)," R. Valero, J. R. B. Gomes, D. G. Truhlar, and F. Illas, Journal of Chemical Physics 129, 124710/1-7 (2008). Erratum 130, 059901/1-1 (2009).
841. "Mechanistic Analysis of the Base-Catalyzed HF Elimination from 4-Fluoro-4-(4'-nitrophenyl)butane-2-one Based on Liquid-Phase Kinetic Isotope Effects Calculated by Dynamics Modeling with Multidimensional Tunneling," Y. Kim, A. V. Marenich, J. Zheng, K. H. Kim, M. Kołodziejska-Huben, M. Rostkowski, P. Paneth, and D. G. Truhlar, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 5, 59-67 (2009).
842. "Benchmark Energetic Data in a Model System for Grubbs II Metathesis Catalysis and Their Use for Assessment and Validation of Electronic Structure Methods," Y. Zhao and D. G. Truhlar, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 5, 324-333 (2009).
843. "Bond Angle Distributions of Carbon Dioxide in the Gas, Supercritical, and Solid Phases" K. Anderson, S. L. Mielke, J. I. Siepmann, and D. G. Truhlar, Journal of Physical Chemistry 113, 2053-2059 (2009) (Max Wolfsberg issue).
844. "Efficient Global Representations of Potential Energy Functions: Trajectory Calculations of Bimolecular Gas-Phase Reactions by Multiconfiguration Molecular Mechanics," O. Tishchenko and D. G. Truhlar, Journal of Chemical Physics 130, 024105/1-15 (2009).
845. "Performance of SM6, SM8, and SMD on the SAMPL1 Test Set for the Prediction of Small-Molecule Solvation Free Energies," A. Marenich, C. J. Cramer, and D. G. Truhlar, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 113, 4538-4543 (2009).
846. "Critical Role of Substrate Conformational Change in the Proton Transfer Process Catalyzed by 4-Oxalocrotonate Tautomerase," J. Ruiz-PernĂa, M. Garcia-Viloca, S. Bhattacharyay, J. Gao D. G. Truhlar, and I. Tuñon, Journal of the American Chemical Society 131, 2687-2698 (2009).
847. "Molecular Modeling of Complex Chemical Systems," D. G. Truhlar, Journal of the American Chemical Society 130, 16824-16827 (2008). (Editorial introducing JACS Select issue no. 3).
848. "Valence–Bond Order (VBO): A New Approach to Modeling Reactive Potential Energy Surfaces for Complex systems, Materials and Nanoparticles," M. Zhao, M. A. Iron, P. Staszewski, N. E. Schultz, R. Valero, and D. G. Truhlar, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 5, 594-604 (2009).
849. "Universal Solvation Model Based on Solute Electron Density and on a Continuum Model of the Solvent Defined by the Bulk Dielectric Constant and Atomic Surface Tensions," A. V. Marenich, C. J. Cramer, and D. G. Truhlar, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 113, 6378-6396 (2009).
850. "Reply to Comment on “A Universal Approach to Solvation Modeling," C. J. Cramer and D. G. Truhlar, Accounts of Chemical Research 42, 493-497 (2009).
851. "Calculation of Semiconductor Band Gaps with the M06-L Density Functional," Y. Zhao and D. G. Truhlar, Journal of Chemical Physics 130, 074103/1-3 (2009).
852. "The DBH24/08 Database and Its Use to Assess Electronic Structure Model Chemistries for Chemical Reaction Barrier Heights," J. Zheng, Y. Zhao, and D. G. Truhlar, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 5, 808-821 (2009). (John Perdew issue)
853. "Efficient Diffuse Basis Sets: cc-pVxZ+ and maug-cc-pVxZ," E. Papajak, H. R. Leverentz, J. Zheng, and D. G. Truhlar, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 5, 1197-1202 (2009). Errata and addendum: 5, 3330 (2009)
854. "Consistent van der Waals Radii for the Whole Main Group," M. Mantina, A. C. Chamberlin, R. Valero, C. J. Cramer, and D. G. Truhlar, Journal of Physical Chemistry A 113, 5806-5812 (2009).
855. "Thermochemical Kinetics for Multireference Systems: Addition Reactions of Ozone," Y. Zhao, O. Tishchenko, J. R. Gour, W. Li, J. J. Lutz, P. Piecuch, and D. G. Truhlar, Journal of Physical Chemistry A 113, 5786-5799 (2009).
856. "Improved methods for Feynman Path Integral Calculations of Vibrational-Rotational Free Energies and Application to Isotopic Fractionation of Hydrated Chloride Ions," S. L. Mielke and D. G. Truhlar Journal of Physical Chemistry 113, 4817-4827 (2009). (George C. Schatz Festschrift).
857. "Non-Hermitian Multiconfiguration Molecular Mechanics," O. Tishchenko and D. G. Truhlar, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 5, 1454-1461 (2009).
858. "Energies, Geometries, and Charge Distributions of Zn Molecules, Clusters, and Biocenters from Coupled Cluster, Density Functional, and Neglect of Diatomic Differential Overlap Models," A. Sorkin, E. A. Amin, and D. G. Truhlar, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 5, 1254-1265 (2009).
859. "The Electrostatically-Embedded Many-Body Approximation for Systems of Water, Ammonia, and Sulfuric Acid and the Dependence of its Performance on Embedding Charges," H. R. Leverentz and D. G. Truhlar, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 5, 1573-1584 (2009).
860. "Coupled-Surface Investigation of the Photodissociation of NH3(Ă): Effect of Exciting the Symmetric and Antisymmetric Stretching Modes," D. Bonhommeau, R. Valero, D. G. Truhlar, and A. Jasper, Journal of Chemical Physics 130, 234303/1-17 (2009).
861. "The Muonic He atom and a preliminary study of the Reaction," D. J. Arseneau, D. G. Flemingb, O. Sukhorukov, J. H. Brewer, B. C. Garrett, and D. G. Truhlar, Physica B: Condensed Matter 404, 946-949 (2009). (Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Muon Spin Rotation, Relaxation and Resonance)
862. "Direct Dynamics Study of Hydrogen-Transfer Isomerization of 1-Pentyl and 1-Hexyl Radicals," J. Zheng and D. G. Truhlar , Journal of Physical Chemistry A 113, 11919-11925 (2009).
863. "Validation Study of the Ability of Density Functionals to Predictthe Planar-to-Three-Dimensional Structural Transitionin Anionic Gold Clusters," M. Mantina, R. Valero, and D. G. Truhlar, Journal of Chemical Physics 131, 064706/1-5 (2009).
864. "Solvent Dependence of 14N Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Chemical Shielding Constants as a Test of the Accuracy of the Computed Polarization of Solute Electron Densities by the Solvent," R. F. Ribeiro, A. V. Marenich, C. J. Cramer, and D. G. Truhlar, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 5, 2284-2300 (2009).
865. "Steric Effects and Solvent Effects on SN2 Reactions," Y. Kim, C. J. Cramer, and D. G. Truhlar, Journal of Physical Chemistry A 113, 9109-9114 (2009).
866. "Universal Solvation Model Based on The Generalized Born Approximation with Asymmetric Descreening," A. V. Marenich, C. J. Cramer, and D. G. Truhlar, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 5 2447-2464 (2009).
867. "Efficient Approach to Reactive Molecular Dynamics with Accurate Forces," M. Higashi and D. G. Truhlar, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 5, 2925-2929 (2009)
868. "Homogeneous Nucleation with Magic Numbers: Aluminum," S. L. Girshick, P. Agarwal, and D. G. Truhlar, Journal of Chemical Physics 131, 134305/1-11 (2009).
869. "Density Functional Theory for Transition Metals and Transition Metal Chemistry," C. J. Cramer and D. G. Truhlar, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 11, 10757-10816 (2009).
870. "Phase Space Prediction of Product Branching Ratios: Canonical Competitive Nonstatistical Model," J. Zheng, E. Papajak, and D. G. Truhlar, Journal of the American Chemical Society 131, 15754-15760 (2009).
871. "Combined Quantum Mechanical and Molecular Mechanical Methods for Calculating Potential Energy Surfaces: Tuned and Balanced Redistributed-Charge Algorithm," B. Wang and D. G. Truhlar, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, ASAP.
872. "Least-Action Tunneling Transmission Coefficient for Polyatomic Reactions," R. Meana-Pañeda, D. G. Truhlar, and A. Fernández-Ramos, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, accepted Oct. 5, 2009.
873. "T`unneling in Enzymatic and Nonenzymatic Hydrogen Transfer Reactions," D. G. Truhlar, Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry, invited article submitted on Oct. 22, 2009 for a special "symposium in print" edited by R. More O'Ferrall. Manuscript POC-09-0246.
874. "Efficient Diffuse Basis Sets for Density Functional Theory," E. Papajak and D. G. Truhlar, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, submitted Oct. 24, 2009, Manuscript ID: ct-2009-00566x. Accepted Jan. 28, 2010.
875. "Gradient-Based Multiconfiguration Shepard Interpolation for Generating Potential Energy Surfaces for Polyatomic Reactions," O. Tishchenko and D. G. Truhlar, Journal of Chemical Physics, accepted, Jan. 19, 2010. Manuscript: A09.11.0584.
876. "Tests of the RPBE, revPBE, tHCTHhyb, wB97X-D, and MOHLYP Density Functional Approximations and 29 Others Against Representative Databases for Diverse Bond Energies and Barrier Heights in Catalysis," K. Yang, J. Zheng, Y. Zhao, and D. G. Truhlar, Journal of Chemical Physics, submitted Nov. 20, 2009; manuscript no. A09.11.0453.
877. "Density Functional Study of CO and NO Adsorption on Ni-Doped MgO(100)," R. Valero, J. R. B. Gomes, D. G. Truhlar, and F. Illas, Journal of Chemical Physics, submitted Dec. 22, 2009.
878. "Kinetics of Hydrogen-Transfer Isomerizations of Butoxyl Radicals," J. Zheng and D. G. Truhlar, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, submitted Dec. 29, 2009.
8xx. "Free Energies of Solvation with Surface, Volume, and Local Electrostatic Effects and Atomic Surface Tensions to Represent the First Solvation Shell," Junjun Liu, Casey P. Kelly, Alan C. Goren, A. V. Marenich, C. J. Cramer, D. G. Truhlar, and C.-G. Zhan, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, submitted approx. Jan. 13, 2010.
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