September 18, 2002

GAMESOL-v.3.1 Executive Summary

GAMESOL, version 3.1 is a module for incorporation of Löwdin population analysis, redistributed Löwdin population analysis (RLPA), the CM2 charge model, the CM3 charge model, and the SM5.42 and SM5.42R solvation models into the June 11, 2000 version of GAMESS. The SM5.42R model calculates free energies of solvation using gas-phase geometries, and the SM5.42 model involves geometry optimization in the liquid-phase, which can be carried out using analytical gradients.

GAMESOL adds the following new capabilities to GAMESS:

  • Löwdin partial atomic charges (Class II charges) can be obtained for all gas-phase and liquid-phase RHF and UHF wave functions. Gas-phase and liquid-phase CM2 charges (Class IV charges) can be determined for the following gas-phase and liquid-phase wave functions that employ spherical harmonic (5D) or Cartesian (6D) d functions, where HF denotes either RHF or UHF:
  • For methods using either the 6-31+G* or the 6-31+G** basis set, redistributed Löwdin population analysis (RLPA) partial atomic charges (Class II charges) can be calculated from RHF or UHF wave functions.

  • Gas-phase and liquid-phase CM3 charges (Class IV charges) can be obtained for the following restricted and unrestricted wave functions:
  • Rigid liquid-phase calculations, i.e., SM5.42R calculations based on gas-phase geometries, can be performed for the following restricted and unrestricted wave functions that use spherical harmonic (5D) or Cartesian (6D) d functions:
  • Liquid-phase analytical gradients are available for SCF scheme I. and for restricted wave functions that use Cartesian d shells, namely: or that have no d shells: This allows for geometry optimization of liquid-phase minima and saddlepoints, and for liquid-phase numerical Hessian and vibrational frequencies evaluation based on liquid-phase analytical gradients for these wave functions. Such calculations are called SM5.42 without the R. Liquid-phase analytical gradients are not available for unrestricted wave functions, for SCF Scheme II, or for wave functions that use spherical harmonic (5D) d shells. Analytical gradients are currently not available for unrestricted wave functions.

  • Generalized Born electrostatic solvation energy calculations using Löwdin, RLPA, CM2, and CM3 partial atomic charges are available for all RHF and UHF wave functions that use any Cartesian or spherical harmonic basis functions that are supported by GAMESS.

  • Analytical gradients of the generalized Born electrostatic solvation energy using Löwdin, RLPA, CM2, and CM3 partial atomic charges and SCF schemes I are available for all RHF wave functions that use Cartesian d and f (6D/10F) basis functions. Where analytical gradients are available, so are geometry optimization of liquid-phase minima and saddlepoints, and the evaluation of liquid-phase numerical Hessian and vibrational frequencies evaluation based on liquid-phase analytical gradients for these wave functions. Currently, analytical gradients of the generalized Born solvation energy are not available for UHF wave functions.

  • Modification of NDDO Hamiltonians to carry out AM1-SRP and PM3-SRP calculations.